
Lustrum party

It is time to sign up for the lustrum party! Let’s get together and enjoy a great time with beer, pizza and volleyball and more!! Lustrum party is planned for 27/08/2022.

The agenda will be:
14:30 : Gathering at Museumplein
14:30 – 16:00 : Playing volleyball
16:00 – ~ : Street party at Cafe de Spuyt with pizza and beer! 🙂

Please let us know if you would like to help us to set the nets, we will gather at the Cafe de Spuyt at 14:00, and prepare the nets for the fun game!

You can sign up via the link below for “game in Museumplein”, “only the party at Cafe de Sputy” or “both games and the party”. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7hLmHeL66yOuC09s0qEpHkBbHKeAwcqERjx58xRy6ryhTIQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Cost for the pizza and special volleyball beer (white beer and IPA) is 5 euros pp.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Kind regards,
Het bestuur van Volleybalvereniging de Spuyt and Lustrumcommissie
Casper, Henrike, Martin, Suzan, Wouter, Pieter, Tosca, Lucile en Erik